What we're reading...

Sooo, there's this other funny little thing that Heather and I have in common... we both count John Irving among our most favourite authors. I just got my copy of his latest this week and will crack it open tomorrow in honour of this post...
(btw H - you're really making me look like an underachiever with that stack of books!)


aanjsmom said...

Now THAT is MY favourite topic !!!!!!! book, books books....... you made me want to go pick one up and delve in!!!!!!!!!! great photos!

Heather & Jenn said...

Seriously, have you ever known me to have ONE book on the go?


BTW, don't tell me what happens, you KNOW I always wait for the publishers paperback!

larissa said...

I think it would be interesting to know what the stack of books would be like if you two were men!!
Ok I know that was a bit of a saucy comment but seriously...I am willing to bet the titles would be completely different and that the books would actually be magazines!! ; )

Kerry Baier said...

I love to read...I have to be reading at least 3-4 books at a time or I can't function...hmm maybe that splains lots about me hee hee...:) Kerry